259,00 DKK

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Vi præsenterer nyheden og revolutionen inden for permanent makeup. Som førende inden for tatoveringsindustrien med mange års erfaring med oprettelse og produktion af patroner af højeste kvalitet har vi skabt et produkt dedikeret til permanent makeup - Kwadron PMU Optima-patroner.

Kwadron PMU Optima giver dig mulighed for at gøre den mest perfekte permanente makeup. De har et unikt system til stabilisering af ultra-skarpe nåle, hvilket sikrer deres holdbarhed og styrke. Patronhuset var lavet af medicinsk plastik, hvilket reducerede friktionen mellem nålen og huset og sikrer høj arbejdskultur. Det integrerede nålesystem med spidsen garanterer de højeste standarder for sikkerhed og hygiejne. Hver Kwadron PMU Optima-patron er pakket i en steril engangsemballage.

KWADRON® PMU OPTIMA PATRONER er kompatible med de mest populære maskiner som EQUALIZER PROTON, Cheyenne Hawk, Fk jern osv.

Knivens længde:
LT - Lang tilspidsning (7 mm)

PT – Point taper (2,5mm double skarp)

We present the novelty and revolution in permanent makeup. As a leader in the tattoo industry with many years of experience in the creation and production of cartridges of the highest quality, we have created a product dedicated to permanent makeup - the Kwadron PMU Optima cartridges.

Kwadron PMU Optima allow you to do the most perfect permanent makeup. They have a unique system of stabilizing ultra-sharp needles, which ensures their durability and strength. The cartridge housing was made of medical plastic, which reduced the friction between the needle and the housing and ensures high work culture. The integrated needle system with the tip guarantees the highest standards of safety and hygiene. Each Kwadron PMU Optima cartridge is packaged in a sterile, disposable packaging.

KWADRON® PMU OPTIMA CARTRIDGES are compatible with the most popular machines like EQUALISER PROTON, Cheyenne Hawk, Fk irons etc.

Length of blade:

LT – Long taper (7mm)

PT – Point taper (2,5mm double sharpened)

Størrelse (Længde) 0
Størrelse (Højde) 0
Størrelse (Bredde) 0